The quality of a photo is highly important when it comes to buy a product based on the photo. As product images are the deal breaker, you should know that it is essential to design the pictures accordingly so as to grab the viewers’ attention. It entirely depends on the photo whether the viewer will buy it or not. If you are planning on creating product images or already have few designed, here are few tips to improve them in order to earn more sales. These are simple tricks to follow, check out:

Consider the audience

Well, to start with, you should know that you have to consider the audience and target market. If you don’t think about it, you cannot create good product images. Make sure that you know your target market and then improve the pictures accordingly. For an example, if your target market is women apparels, you have to be very sure of the product images. As you may know, women are very particular about what they are buying so show the product in the most attractive way.

While clicking the pictures, shoot them from different angles to show all the possible sides of the product. As you may know, every online portal has up to 8 images for each product. It is to induce interest in the minds of the viewers by showing them all the angles possible. Because you don’t know what detail can drive their interest, it is best to offer everything they might need. While you click the pictures, it is important to focus on the lighting and setup in order to take impressive product photos. Depending on the target audience, either you can go for DSLR shots or camera shots as these small things contribute a lot in making the pictures look valuable.

Resolution matters

The resolution of the pictures matters a lot because a picture can be viewed on different devices like laptop, desktop, phone, tablet or notepad. Clarity matters here so make sure you improve the images for their resolution and if not, create the new images so they give the best viewing experience, no matter which the device is. Get your hands on Photoshop and spend some time editing the pictures so they look clean and crisp.

Use tripod

Pictures often looks blur so if you want consistent results, use a tripod. A tripod is large standing equipment that holds the camera and gives you stable and non blurry shots. Set up the tripod and put the camera on, get the right exposure and then start clicking the pictures. To make the product stand out, tripod plays a major role and makes the object look clean and vibrant. On the other hand, if you click the images without a tripod, chances are high that the camera shakes and as a result, you get shaky images.

Lighting is important

Lighting is significant when it comes to product photography. Shooting the product photos in low lighting conditions is definitely a bad idea and controlling the light sources is very important. In order to get excellent shots, always make sure you use one type of light source. Use reflectors and beauty lights if there is no natural light and see how you get brighter shots.

Diffuse the hard light or casting shadows which ruin the product image and better if you use reflectors for that desired look.

Go neutral with color choices

Never wear too bright and vibrant colors while shooting. Since photography looks graceful against white background, you should consider wearing pastels because the light bounces off and it will reflect on the product. Wearing bright colors or black cast shadows or bad reflections on the product as a result of which, it makes the final shot look bad. If you have shot the pictures already and there are reflections or shadows, consider editing them in Photoshop using different tools.

Edit the background

Editing the background is one of the important steps in product photography. As you may know, it is important to shoot the products against white background so if the pictures need tweaking, go ahead and change the backgrounds to white instead of any other colors. The major online selling portals like Amazon and eBay have their picture guidelines according to which the backgrounds must be white. So make it a standard at your website also by uploading the images having white and clean backgrounds. It maintains consistency factor and people get attracted towards cleaner pictures over messy ones.

First of all, if you are going to click the pictures then make sure to work in perfect lighting. Hang a white board or paper and shoot the products against it. Set up your camera right and then click the images by working on ISO, shutter speed and aperture. Slow down the shutter speed and avoid noise in the final image.


If you want to click great images, it is best that you work on photo editing skills because a lot of work is involved in post production phase. Once when you are done with photo shoot, there are tiny details that need editing which are then done in Photoshop. The more you edit, the more you get to know how to deal with nits-grits. Work with different tools and lighting situations to understand how to make things better in Photoshop, the image editing software. Sit in front of Photoshop and practice editing until you get things right and perfect.