How to Product Photography Professionally

All set to open an online store? Before getting started, here are some Product photography hacks you must get your heads around. You need to put stunning pictures to let people gaze at your products while exploring the site. Ideally, you can hire a photographer to do the shoot for you, but that’s not mandatory!! You can do that magic yourself by knowing these simple camera tricks. Read below:

Right Light

Natural light is best when it’s about the right light. If we shoot in the early afternoon, then the best results will come. Go for soft shadows to make the picture look uniformly distributed. Soft shadows are when the object is larger than the shadow. Look for big windows and outdoors and then shoot pictures. You can also use a flash diffuser to distribute the light evenly.

Product photography lighting

White Backdrop

White is perfect for focusing on only the object and making the viewers feel connected while looking at your product range. It offers a clean and pleasant view with no horizon at all in the back. If you don’t have a white background, simply go for white paper or fabric and place the products on it. Make sure to curve the paper or fabric, whatever you choose.

product photography with white Background


Various Angles

Try shooting the images from unusual angles. Go for a product close-up or shoot at such an angle that makes the viewers feel like they are reading a story. It’s recommended to play around with angles because you never know what angle can exude the most impressive side of the product and let the viewers buy it immediately. Try focusing on the shape, size, and quality of the product for complete customer satisfaction.

Product Photography

Keep it Motionless

Avoid moving the product or your camera while taking a picture. Even the slightest movement can ruin your whole photography, and you’ll have to do it all again. Blurry pictures are a big no-no in product photography, so make sure you don’t take them. To get steady shots, consider buying a tripod and placing your camera on it. To start with, you can buy an inexpensive tripod. If not, stand still against a hard surface while having a camera in your hands and take a shot.

product photography

Look Real

Try to relate your products to real people. For example, if you have clothing merchandise, you can display it on a model to let people judge how it looks. For a watch shop, make someone wear it and then take a picture. This helps the viewers get an idea of the product’s appearance. Relating the products to real people makes it easy for you to sell them.

product photography

Show as much as you can

Well, don’t just stick to one product image only. Show as much as you can!! What people do is upload one image per product and that’s it. Avoid doing this and add 5-6 pictures including close-up, front view, back view, full view, one video if possible, and the inner view of the product. Such images look more attractive and appealing and chances of returns are quite less as people buy only if they are satisfied with the product.

product photography


Avoid Deleting

When you click a picture, you don’t feel contented. So don’t rush into pressing the delete button on your camera. Rather, keep it and check it on a bigger screen. Sometimes, on a bigger screen, the picture looks flawless and is perfect for moving on to photo-heaven.


This is a great option!! Filter the pictures to attract more people to your looks. They add a stylish and dazzling look to not-so-appealing photography. But guys, this is for your own pictures showing a fun night out with friends. Don’t use filters for product photography. So keep it clean and simple as much as you can!!

product photography

Editing ALERT

Clicking pictures is the first step. Editing and touching up are significant in preparing the images. The images should be of the same size, same background, same dimensions, and whatever you feel can be done to the images to doll them up. For editing, being a designer or editor is not essential, as there are various online tools to do this task handy for you. Upload the photos using photo editing software, and here you go with the edited pictures.

product photography

Let’s practice these hacks and make your photos shine and dazzle among your competitors. Get ready and give a new look to those typical product images.