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Clipping path and Reflection shadow creation

Clipping path and Reflection shadow creation

Reflection shadow For increasing the product beauty for attracting more customers now a days most of the online shop owners love to add reflection shadow to their product. Smart and skilled hand can make the reflection genuine and original view what is most important...
Jewelry clipping path and retouching

Jewelry clipping path and retouching

Jewelry enhancement service Some times jewelry captured photo is not beautiful or color would be fade way like we have showing on our given example. Light is reflected with the golden color and loose it main color and made it to white what is change the main color of...
Sofa Clipping Path

Sofa Clipping Path

Sofa Clipping Path service The sofa is one of the popular pieces of furniture it’s available on most of the webshop. The sales are increasing day by if the webshop owner uses modified images of this furniture, then the sales will increase more in a range as we...
Dress clipping path and Ghost Mannequin

Dress clipping path and Ghost Mannequin

Dress clipping path service Every dress has different shape and for removing background and set it on white background clipping path is occupied our skilled designers are doing it with safe hand for maintaining its shape and design. Also many dress need to remove...
Shoe clipping path and shadow

Shoe clipping path and shadow

Shoe clipping path and shadow   Now a days Online shop is very popular for buying goods as there has option for choosing an do not need to go to the market with jam Like if you want to buy a shoe you will search it on online and for this reason shop owner would...