Photos play a significant role in making or sometimes breaking e-commerce conversions. Getting the tips and tricks for the best product optimization can bring fruitful results. Here are some techniques to ensure the best results by optimizing your product photography.

Why Do We Need Good Product Photography?

During this COVID economy, the e-commerce business is conducted through excellent photography. Nowadays, customers worldwide avoid in-person shopping. They prefer product photos with adequate descriptions as they cannot touch the product physically.

This trend is more favorable to the shop keepers now. They don’t have to fill up their store with a different variety. All they need is good photography to attract customers.

But the major drawback of this e-commerce biz comes when anyone fails to optimize their product photography during the editing process.

How Will This Article Help?

This article will help the readers to get a grip on the following things while editing the product photos,

Dealing With Photoshop Fails

Any dazzling mistake on the photo that occurs when you edit the product photo with Adobe Photoshop or any other editing software is very embarrassing. These can be human errors, especially when someone has to meet a strict deadline.

To avoid any digital embarrassment, your editor must pay attention to the details and directions. Some other reasons for photoshop’s fail include no post-edit reviews and using AI instead of humans.

What To Keep In Mind When Combining Photos

In the process of combining photos, it is likely to miss several overlaps. Combining a few pictures gives you a perfect frame when you fail to capture the photograph in a single shot.

When you opt to fix the photo in such a case, you must be mindful of catching all the potential faux pauses before publishing it. Look at the direction of feet, extra hands or limbs, inappropriate limbs or hands.

combining multiple photos

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Don’t Ignore The Ghost Limbs

Using invisible mannequin edit is very impressive and is mostly used in the case of product photos. When it comes to wearable products, invisible mannequin edit is a pleasant way to bring apparel to life. This editing feature helps you to avoid flat, lifeless product imagery.

Don’t Ignore The Ghost Limbs

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Your photos can fall victim to phantom limb syndrome if you do not perform this task correctly. Always make sure to remove all human parts, or else it could be a weird picture.

Fix Fake Reflections

Reflection occurs with mirrors or liquid like water or when capturing near a lake or swimming pool etc. Don’t forget to fix the photo by checking for reflections if you are going to combine photos or remove some items from your photograph.

fake reflections


When To Add Or Remove Reflection?

For reflection, it can be challenging to capture items clearly that have reflective surfaces such as metals, glass, sunglasses, etc. Reflections can distract the viewer from the actual product becomes a cause of decreased sales.

You can easily remove reflections from your products that have naturally reflective surfaces. But sometimes we need to add reflections to our photographs to make them more attractive.

Adding reflection can draw your customer’s attention towards a specific photo element or add a dramatic effect.

Your Model’s Gestures Are Important!

Lifestyle shots for clothing, jewelry, furniture, electronics, etc., can be fascinating when models feature them. According to our analysis, 62% of apparel product photos feature people. You can increase your product’s conversion by directing the model’s focus on the actual product.

By means of directing your model’s attention, we mean that your model must be looking or pointing at the product. Using body language or some gestures can also bring the viewer’s attention to the actual product.

For instance, your model must be looking at the razor while in use for selling a razor. Or, for a jewelry store, the model must be pointing towards her jewelry. It will help the viewer to find out how it looks like when someone is wearing it.

Make Full Use of the Ghost Mannequin

If you want to add life and shape to your products, ghost mannequins play an essential role. It is most demanding for apparel and accessories. Your customers want to know how it will look after wearing.

Customers are very much concerned about the fits, falls, sit, etc., of the wearables and accessories. Applying a ghost mannequin to such items will let the customer see them on a person.

Added Benefits Of Invisible Mannequin Edit

Added Benefits Of Invisible Mannequin Edit

The additional benefit of adding a ghost mannequin is the convenience and the cost. It is much more affordable than live models. Ghost mannequins will add context to the product’s actual fitting that diverts your customer’s attention towards it.

As compared to a flat image, a ghost mannequin adds depth to the image. It brings satisfaction to your customer with the product’s style and shape.

Contextual Background

Contextual background can help you show your product in the wild. It does not necessarily mean a jungle or forest, but that’s where your product is suited best.

A proper environment that helps your customer understand how the product ties into their lives make sense. It is the fundamental purpose of adding a contextual background to your photos. 37% of online customers desire to see the product contextually.

Some perfect examples of contextual backgrounds ideas are as follows,

  • Toaster on a kitchen counter.
  • Beautiful pillows on a sofa.
  • Beach chairs on beach sand.
  • Bride model wearing heavy jewelry.

Contextual backgrounds give your valuable customers a way to see themselves using the product. Measurement of dimensions can sometimes be difficult to envision. It is helpful to get an idea about the product’s actual size related to other items.

Toaster on a kitchen counter.

Toaster on a kitchen counter

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Beautiful pillows on a sofa.

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Beach chairs on beach sand.

Beach chairs on beach sand.

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Bride model wearing heavy jewellery.

Bride model wearing heavy jewellery.

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Contextual backgrounds can highlight specific features. If you get the click of sony speakers near a pool, you can show it waterproof.

Showing your customer rather than telling them is more attractive or persuasive as visuals can make more impact.

Fixing Imperfections

The ability to zoom in and see the product’s finer details grabs your customers’ interest in what you offer. Many of the e-commerce websites today use zoom features by hover, close-up shots, click-to-zoom, etc. It is crucial to ensure the product’s perfection in front of your customers.

25% of e-commerce websites are not zoomable. Pictures that are not zoomable sufficiently are the leading cause of product abandonment. In the case of jewelry, customers want to see the minor details before having it for themselves.

When post-processing, you have to fix the spots and blemishes, if any. Also, you will have to remove the distractions like dust. It is necessary if you are going to introduce the zoom feature since imperfection may be apparent.

You have to make sure that you have carefully executed your edit without any shortcuts and automation.

Smiling Models

Featuring happy, smiling models or people who deliver a contented gesture will be a visual indicator to your potential customers. It will show them how they can be happy as well if they have that product in their life. For a merchant, it would be a sign of getting more orders.

Smiling Models

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Making your models smile for your wearing product will feature the comfort and happiness of wearing it. Adding a smile by yourself is not a big task. You can easily get it in your photos by using photoshop features.

Shooting From Different Angles

Helping your customers while online shopping by using the recurring theme is beneficial in increasing your conversion. Taking photographs from different angles will undoubtedly help you.

People do not look at things from a single perspective; rather, they move around to see them from different angles. That is why customers want to know the product from different angles. It gives your customer a better sense of scaling and other details.

Photos from multiple angles

Sometimes you need to show the product from the inside also. When it comes to products like purses, luggage, suitcases, etc., you need to capture them from the inside as well.

It is necessary because your customer wants to see how they can organize their things into it for such products. They must be thinking about the number of pockets and their sizes, zippers, clasps, etc.

Take an example of ankle boots. The company shows the boots to their online customers by capturing them from multiple angles.

By doing so, their customers get a satisfactory view of the boots from the front, back, and sides as well. They also enable their customer to view the details for stitching and finishing features.

Real-life usage and dimensions are your customers’ primary concerns for electronic items, furniture, and appliances. Shooting them from different angles will help your customers in this case. Your customer can visualize the usage of your product in their daily life.

Reduce the Image File Size

Larger images need more time for loading on a website and everyone today wants a speedy social interaction. Google researched that more loading time affects your bounce rate.

A single second delay can harm your statistics by as much as 11% fewer web page views. It has a 16% impact on customer satisfaction and a 7% loss in your sales.

By decreasing your image size, you can speed up your load times. It is needed, especially when you upload multiple images for your e-commerce biz.

Reduce the Image File Size

Many sites can help you reduce the size of your image without disturbing the image quality and dimensions. Now your load will lag no more, and your customers will have the right quality image.

Impact Of Product Photography On Your E-Commerce Business?

Product photography is the primary demand for e-commerce businesses. You must be lacking conversions if you don’t have this feature yet. Introducing product photography will grow your conversion rate.

Photos serve as the best alternative to in-person shopping. It shows your product to the customers so they can decide whether to make a purchase or not. Merchants must be careful about making a good photography session for their product. It will certainly attract new buyers.

Representing a good product with good photography needs skills. Try to get your task done by a professional or anyone who is an expert in editing and fixing the photos. Making the minor details visible to your customer will also have a great impact on them.


Good product photography has the power to convert your visiting customers into paying customers. Those who make the best of their product’s photography win the race.

All above are the primary and most needed skills to enhance your e-commerce business. Getting a grip on these is not a difficult task. Many software is available, which has eased editing. Your business growth is dependent on how your product pictures are.

The better your pictures are, the more customers you get!