Monday, 24 June 2024 / Published in Uncategorized

What do you first notice when shopping for a new toy or shoes online? The answer is the image. The pictures, right? Those pictures are super important because they help you decide what to buy! Online stores use this trick to make their product pictures look awesome.

Clipping path like a magic wand that carefully traces around an object in a picture. It separates the object from everything else. This makes the product the star of the show! It’s like shining a spotlight so you can see all its amazing details.

choosing best clipping path service provider

What is clipping path?

A clipping path is a Photoshop technique. It uses the pen tool to outline an object in an image. This outline acts as a mask, separating the object from its background. Once you create the clipping path, you can remove the background. You can replace it with a solid-color or transparent background. Then, you can apply effects to the isolated object.

What is deep-etch?

A clipping path is an image editing technique. It isolates an object from its background in a digital image. It is also called deep-etch. In this process, you create a closed vector path around an object. This lets you manipulate it separately from the rest of the image. A clipping path is key for product photography editing. It lets you create clean, professional images that show your products in the best light.

How Does Clipping Path Work?

A clipping path in Photoshop draws a line around an object. For example, let’s talk about a red apple on a table. First, the tool outlines the apple. Then, it removes the background. Finally, you can place the apple on any new background. This can be a blue sky, a green field, or even in outer space.

Here’s how it works, step-by-step:

  • The Pen Tool: 

Photo editing software, like Photoshop, has a special tool called the Pen Tool. It is used to draw the line around the apple. It’s like a super precise digital pen!

  • Anchor Points: 

When using the Pen Tool to outline an apple, you add “anchor points” along its edges. These points act like pins in sewing. They help define the shape of the apple.

  • Connect the Dots:

 The computer connects your dots with lines. It outlines the apple. It’s like a coloring book but turns dots into a path.

  • Cut and Paste:

 Once the path is complete, the computer uses it like a cookie cutter. It uses the path to separate the apple from the background. Now you have a picture of just the apple, without the table or anything else.

Clipping paths enhance pictures. They work for simple shapes, like circles and squares, or complex ones, like a bicycle or hair. The complexity of the shape affects the time and skill needed. Sometimes, computer programs can try to create paths automatically, but they often fail.

Why is Clipping Path Important?

Clipping paths act like magic scissors. They cut out your image from the background clutter. Then, your friends can admire it without distractions. But clipping paths do more than just make things look neat. They are super important for:

  • Making Products Look Super Cool:

 Pictures of toys or clothes in magazines or online often have a clean, white background. This is because clipping paths have been used to remove any messy backgrounds. This makes the products look cool and pro.

  • Focusing on What’s Important: 

Clipping paths highlight the main picture part. For example, when you view a new bike photo, the path removes the background. This action lets you focus on the bike, specifically its details. You can easily see the handlebars and wheels.

  • Changing the Background:

 At times, you might want to place a picture on a different background. For example, you may wish to position a friend in front of a castle or on the moon. Clipping paths enable this by allowing you to cut out objects and relocate them.

  • Making Pictures consistent:

 Imagine you’re online, looking at pictures of various shoes. You wish they all looked the same for easy comparisons. Clipping paths remove backgrounds, placing each shoe on a consistent white background.

  • Saving Time and Money: 

Taking new pictures can be hard or expensive. However, clipping paths offer a cost-effective solution. They allow changing a picture’s background. This saves time and money. It’s ideal for businesses and anyone looking to enhance their images.

So, clipping paths are more than just a fancy trick. They’re a powerful tool that can help make your pictures look amazing, focus on the important things, and even save you time and money!

Type Of Clipping Path

Defending on The image quality and complexity clipping path come in different types, depending on how tricky the object you want to cut out is.

Basic Clipping Paths

This level is perfect for beginners. It’s as easy as cutting a simple shape with scissors, such as a circle or a square. You can use it for objects with smooth, straight lines, like a ball, a box, or the basic outline of a car. No fancy moves are needed here!

Medium Clipping Paths

This level is more challenging. It’s for objects with a few more curves or details, like a chair with curved legs or a lamp with a fancy shade. It’s the medium clipping paths

Complex Clipping Paths

Now, we’re getting into the expert levels! Complex clipping paths are for objects with lots of details, curves, or holes. Cutting a fluffy dog’s curly fur or a flower with many petals is hard. It requires focus and skill to do it well.

Super Complex Clipping Paths

This challenge is the toughest! It’s about intricate and detailed objects, like shiny jewelry with small gems or hair in the wind. Only true experts can master it.

So, clipping paths come with different types of difficulty. But no matter what level you’re on, the goal is the same: to carefully cut out an object from its background so it looks amazing!

Clipping Path Tools To use

Creating a clipping path is like cutting out a picture with scissors, but you do it on the computer! And just like you have different kinds of scissors for different jobs, there are different tools you can use in photo editing software like Photoshop:

Pen Tool: Digital Pen

Super Precise: Like drawing with a ruler, it creates perfect lines and curves.Takes Time & Practice: It’s like learning a new skill, but it needs patience.
Great for Complex Shapes: Can handle even the trickiest objects like hair or fur.Not as Quick: Not the fastest tool for simple shapes.

This is the most popular tool for creating clipping paths. It’s like a magic pen that lets you draw a perfect line around an object, even if it has lots of curves and details. Think of it as the tool artists use to draw the outlines of their pictures.

Magic Wand Tool:

Super Fast: Click once, and it selects colors like magic!Not Always Accurate: Sometimes it selects more than you want.
Easy to Use: Even little kids can learn to use it!Not Good for Complex Shapes: Gets confused by lots of colors and details.

This tool is like a color-detecting magnet! It can quickly select areas of your picture that are the same or similar in color. This is helpful for selecting simple objects like a ball or a book.

Lasso Tools:

Freehand Drawing: Draw around the object like with a pencil.Less Precise: Lines might be wiggly, not perfect for detailed work.
Magnetic Lasso Sticks: (special version) Helps you trace edges.Still Needs Some Skill: Takes practice to get smooth lines.

Imagine drawing a line around an object with your finger on a touchscreen. That’s what the Lasso Tool is like! It lets you draw freehand around the object you want to cut out. There’s also a Magnetic Lasso Tool that’s like a magnet – it sticks to the edges of the object as you draw, making it easier to create a precise outline.

Color Range Selection:

Perfect for Single Colors: Grabs all the areas that match one color easily.Not Good for Mixed Colors: Struggles if colors are similar.
Can Be Quick: If your object is a solid color, this tool is super fast!Needs Fine-tuning: Might need to adjust settings to get it right.

This tool is like having a special set of crayons that only color in specific shades. You can use it to select all the parts of your picture that are a certain color, like all the red parts of an apple.

Vector Path Software: Adobe Illustrator

Super Smooth Lines: Creates the most perfect lines, like a pro artist.Not for Beginners: Takes more practice to learn and use.
Great for Logos & Graphics: Perfect for designs that need to look sharp.Different Software: Usually not in basic photo editors.

This is a more advanced tool that professional designers and artists use. It’s like having a super-powered version of the Pen Tool that creates extra smooth and perfect lines.

Remember, each tool has its own special abilities! Some are better for simple shapes, while others are great for tricky objects with lots of details. It’s like choosing the right tool for the job, just like you would in your art class!

Step-by-step process of clipping path in Photoshop

Clipping paths are the key to clean product images. They also unleash your creativity in photo editing. Here is a detailed breakdown of the process in Photoshop. It includes handy shortcut keys to make your work smoother.

1. Prepare Your Canvas (Ctrl+O or Cmd+O):

  • Open Sesame: Begin your creative journey by launching Photoshop and opening the image you want to transform.
  • Duplicate for Safety: Before making any changes, create a duplicate layer of your original image (Ctrl/Cmd + J). This safety net ensures you can always revert to the original if needed.
  • Zoom In for Precision: Magnify your view (Ctrl/Cmd + “+” or use the Zoom Tool) to get a closer look at the edges of the object you want to isolate. This will help you create a more accurate clipping path.

2. Wield the Pen Tool (P):

  • Your Precision Instrument: The Pen Tool is your key for accurate clipping paths. It’s like a digital scalpel, enabling precise cuts in images.
  • Mastering the Pen: Learn the Pen Tool’s many functions. Click to create anchor points, click and drag to create curved segments, and hold Shift for perfectly straight lines. Take some time to practice drawing paths on simple shapes before tackling more complex objects.

3. Craft the Clipping Path:

  • Anchor Point Placement: Start by clicking on the edge of your subject to create anchor points. These points are the foundation of your path. Aim to place anchor points at key points where the object’s shape changes direction – corners, curves, and areas of fine detail.
  • Shape Your Curves: After placing anchor points, click and drag to create curved segments. The direction and length of your drag determine the curve’s shape. Experiment with different handle lengths and angles to achieve the desired curvature.
  • Refine Your Path: Use the Pen Tool’s Direct Selection Tool (A) to fine-tune your path. Click and drag individual anchor points or handles to adjust their position and shape. The goal is to create a path that perfectly hugs the contours of your subject.
  • Close the Loop: Once you’ve traced the entire object, click back on the first anchor point to close the path. A small circle will appear next to the Pen Tool cursor, indicating a closed path.

4. Make the Selection (Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter):

This handy shortcut will instantly turn your path into a selection, highlighting the area inside the path.

5. Refine Your Selection:

Expand: If your object has soft edges or a slight blur, use the “Select > Modify > Expand” command to expand the selection by 1-2 pixels. This helps to create a cleaner, more defined edge.


If your selection includes too much background, shrink it with “Select > Modify > Contract.”


To soften an edge, use the feathering effect. First, select the object. Then, choose Modify and Feather. This will create a gradual blend with the background.

Refine Edge: The Refine Edge tool is perfect for objects with complex edges, like hair. It helps you adjust the selection edge. You can adjust settings for a natural look. Do this by changing the radius, smoothness, and contrast.

6. Inverse the Selection (Shift+Ctrl+I or Shift+Cmd+I):

Press this shortcut to invert the selection. Now, the area outside your object is selected. This is the part we want to remove.

7. Remove the Background (Delete):

With the background selected, simply press the Delete key on your keyboard. The background will disappear, leaving your object on a transparent layer.

Save with a Transparent Background:

To save an image with a transparent background, use Shift+Ctrl+S or Shift+Cmd+S. First, click “File” and then “Save As.” Select PNG. This format supports transparency. This means you can easily place your image on any background.

Create a clipping path automatically.

Making a clipping path in Photoshop can save you time and effort. This is especially true when working with simple or clearly defined objects. Here are a few methods you can use:

1. Subject Select Tool:

  • Recent Photoshop versions added this AI-powered tool. It finds and selects the main subject in your image.
  • click the Subject Select button in the Options bar or go to Select > Subject.
  • If the initial selection isn’t perfect, you can refine it using the Quick Selection. You can also use the Lasso tools.
  • Once you are satisfied with the selection, right-click it. Then, choose “Make Work Path” to convert it into a clipping path.

2. Object Selection Tool:

  • Like Subject Select, this tool finds and selects objects in an image. It does so automatically.
  • Choose the Object Selection Tool from the toolbar. Drag a rectangle around the object you want to isolate.
  • Photoshop will make a selection around the object. You can then refine it if needed.
  • Right-click on the selection. Choose “Make Work Path” to make your clipping path.

3. Quick Selection Tool (W):

  • This tool is excellent for quickly selecting areas with similar colors or textures.
  • Click and drag the Quick Selection Tool around the object you want to isolate.
  • Photoshop will automatically expand the selection based on color and contrast.
  • Refine the selection edges using the “Select and Mask” workspace. This is available in newer Photoshop versions or the Refine Edge tool.
  • Right-click on the selection and choose “Make Work Path.” This will convert it into a clipping path. 

Important Considerations:

  • Automatic clipping path tools are convenient. But, they may not always be 100% accurate. This is especially true for complex images or fine details.
  • You might still need to make manual adjustments with the Pen Tool.
  • Manual clipping path services are often recommended for the highest-quality results for professional product photos or images with intricate details.

Clipping Path Options

Imagine you’re erasing part of a drawing you made on your tablet. You want the edges to be really neat and tidy. In Photoshop, special settings called clipping path options help you do just that! They’re like having different kinds of erasers and rulers to help you make your picture look perfect.


If the threshold is high, the eraser only erases where there’s a big difference. This happens, for example, between a black cat and a white wall. But if the threshold is low, the eraser works even where colors are only slightly different. For example, it can work between a brown dog and a beige carpet.


Tolerance is like deciding how close you want to erase to the edge of your drawing. If the tolerance is high, you erase a little further away from the edge, making the erased line smoother. But if the tolerance is low, you erase very close to the edge, removing every tiny bit of the drawing.

Insert Frame:

This option is like putting a special frame around your drawing after you’ve erased part of it. It’s like adding a colorful border to your artwork! You can choose how thick you want the border to be.

Why are these options important? 

They help you:

  • Make the edges of your cutouts look neat and tidy.
  • Keep all the important details of the object you’re keeping.
  • Create awesome pictures with different backgrounds or cool effects!

AI vs Manual Clipping Path

Manual Clipping Path

You create manual clipping paths using the pen tool in Photoshop. It takes skill and precision to make accurate paths around complex objects.

Precision: It’s the best way to cut out an object accurately.Time-Consuming: It takes time and patience For proper cutout.
Perfect for Tricky Details: No matter how small or complicated, it can handle hair, fur, or anything see-through!Requires Skill:  you get better with practice; it requires enough skill.
Complete Control: You decide exactly where to cut, like following the lines in a coloring book.Not the Fastest: It takes a lot of time because the work process is manual.

AI Clipping Path

AI clipping paths are made using machine learning. They can automatically detect and isolate objects in an image.

Blazing Fast: it can cut out your image through lots of pictures in no time!Not Always Perfect: Sometimes, it cuts corners, especially with tricky shapes or blurry edges.
Super Easy: Even a beginner can use it, due to the simple process.Need Fixing: You might need to use the Pen Tool to fix any mistakes.
Saves Time: Great if you have many pictures and need them done quickly.Limited Control: You can’t always tell it exactly what you want. It has a mind of its own!

Photoshop Pen Tool for Drawing Curves and Straight Lines

In Photoshop, the pen tool draws straight and curved lines. It’s also key for clipping paths. To draw a curve, click and drag to set the anchor points, which shape the curve.

Pen Tool in Inkscape

Inkscape’s pen tool is also similar to Photoshop. It draws vector paths around objects. Inkscape is free and open-source, making it a great Adobe Illustrator alternative for creating and editing vector graphics.

How to Draw a Curved Line

To draw a curved line using the pen tool in Photoshop or Inkscape:

  1. Click to create an anchor point
  2. Click and drag to create a curved line segment
  3. Release the mouse button to set the anchor point
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to create additional curved line segments

Bezier curves

The curved line segments created using the pen tool are based on Bezier curves, defined by anchor points and direction handles. The direction handles control the shape and direction of the curve.

Advantages of Clipping Path

  1. Picture-Perfect Cutouts: Clipping paths are like magic erasers, perfectly removing objects, even tricky ones, with lots of details!
  2. Easy to Move and Change: Once you’ve cut out an object, it’s like a sticker you can put anywhere! You can move it to a different background or make it bigger or smaller. You can also change its colors or add cool effects!
  3. Picture Match-Up: Suppose you’re making a scrapbook with pictures of all your friends. You want them all to have the same background. Clipping paths can make this happen! You can cut out each friend and put them all on the same background so your scrapbook looks awesome.
  4. Save Time and Money: Sometimes, taking a new picture can be tricky, especially if you need a specific background. But with clipping paths, you can use a picture you already have and just change the background!

Disadvantages of Clipping Path

  1. It Takes Time and Practice: Clipping paths is like learning to ride a bike. It takes time and practice to master, but once you do, it’s really fun.
  2. Needs a Steady Hand: Some objects, like the leaves on a tree, have lots of little details. Making a perfect clipping path around these tricky details can be difficult. But don’t worry—you can always practice and get better!

Who Needs Clipping Path Service?

Clipping paths are like having a magic eraser and super scissors for pictures, and lots of people use them to make their pictures look amazing! Here are a few examples:

  • E-commerce businesses: 

You’re shopping for any product online. The pictures of the toys usually have a plain white background, right? That’s because online stores use clipping paths to make their products look super cool and professional!

  • Photographers and Artists: 

These creative folks use clipping paths to make their pictures even more special. They might want to remove something distracting from the background or combine pictures to create a fantasy scene.

  • Advertising agencies:

 Ads in magazines or online must grab attention. Clipping paths make images stand out and look more appealing.

  • Real Estate Agents:

Have you ever seen pictures of houses for sale? The pictures often look extra nice. Real estate agents use clipping paths. They use them to remove messy backgrounds and make houses look their best.

  • Fashion Designers:

Fashion designers want their clothes to look amazing in pictures. Clipping paths help them remove the background from photos of models wearing their clothes. This way, you can focus on the fashion! 

  • Magazines and Newspapers:

Clipping paths are used to tidy up and fit images perfectly on a page. It’s similar to organizing crayons neatly in a box.

  • Web designers:

 Website designers use clipping paths. They use them to make cool graphics. Clipping paths make websites look more interesting.

  • Photo Experts:

 Some people are good at fixing and improving photos. They use clipping paths to remove objects and make colors brighter.

How to Choose the Best Clipping Path Service?

Are you finding the best clipping path service? Maintain given thing to get the best clipping path service provider. Here are some things:

Quality of Work

You want someone who is really good at using their the clipping path tools. Check their pictures for smooth edges and full details. This is like ensuring your scissors can cut a perfect shape.

Fastest Service:

Sometimes, you need your pictures fixed up quickly, like if you’re making a birthday card for your mom. Look for a clipping path service that can finish your pictures fast but not so fast that they make mistakes!

Price: How Much Does it Cost?

Clipping path services have varying fees. You need a service that is both good and cheap.

Communication: Can You Talk to Them?

Choose a clipping path service. They should be easy to talk to and ask questions. You might have special requests, like a specific background for your picture. It’s crucial to find a service that listens. The service must also be friendly.

Considering these factors will help you find the best clipping path service. This choice will enhance your pictures.

The Benefits of Using Online Clipping Path Service

Using an online clipping path service offers many benefits. These include:

  • Access to skilled professionals with expertise in image editing
  • Ability to scale up or down based on your needs
  • Reduced overhead costs compared to in-house image editing
  • It will be faster. And, the workflow will be more efficient.

Clipping Path King: The Best Clipping Path Service Provider

Have you ever seen the sharp product photos on Amazon? Or envied the flawless magazine ads? In them, models and products seem to float effortlessly. Those stunning visuals have a secret. It’s the clipping path. It’s a digital technique that removes backgrounds and isolates subjects exactly. At Clipping Path King, we specialize in this art. We transform your normal images into great assets.

Clipping Path King: 

At Clipping Path King, we offer many services. They are tailored to your unique needs:

  • E-commerce Product Perfection: 

We transform your product photos. We make them eye-catching masterpieces. This makes them look pro. It also makes them hard to resist for online shoppers.

  • Photo Editing & Retouching:

 Our skilled editors remove blemishes. They improve colors. They create a flawless finish for your portraits, photoshoots, and projects.

  • Background Removal & Replacement:

 We carefully isolate subjects from their backgrounds. We place them on pure white, solid colors, or custom backdrops of your choice.

  • Image Masking & Manipulation:

 We create complex masks for detailed subjects. These include hair and fur. They allow for precise edits and stunning composites.

  • Raster to Vector Conversion:

We convert your images into scalable vector graphics. These are ideal for logos, illustrations, and design.

Why Choose Clipping Path King?

  • Expert Craftsmanship: Our team of experienced editors is dedicated. They aim to deliver the highest quality results.
  • Fast Turnaround Time: We understand the importance of deadlines. We work fast to deliver your edited images on time.
  • Affordable Pricing: Our services are affordably priced. They suit any budget.
  • Customer Satisfaction: We aim to exceed your expectations. Additionally, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Open Your Image’s Potential with Clipping Path King!

Ready to enhance your visuals? check Clipping Path King for a royal touch on your images.. Our expert team is eager to help you achieve your vision. They will unlock the full potential of your photos.


Clipping path makes products look shiny and new in online stores. They help artists create amazing pictures. They are also for having fun changing photo backgrounds. Clipping paths are super useful! They’re like learning a new skill. But, with a little practice, you can become a clipping path pro. Then, you can create picture magic yourself! If you need help with your pictures, remember there are experts. Companies like Clipping Path King can make your photos look great.


What is a clipping path?

A clipping path is a shape that marks a region in an image. It shows only what’s inside this shape.

What are clipping path services?

They’re image editing services. They cut out objects precisely from digital images.

Clipping path vs. background removal?

A clipping path surrounds an object with a shape. Background removal, on the other hand, deletes the background. Often, a clipping path is the first step in background removal.

Why is clipping path important?

It easily isolates objects. This saves time and money, making products look consistent.

Clipping path vs. image masking?

A clipping path is for objects with clear edges. Image masking is for complex edges like hair. It blends objects into a new background.

Clipping path in graphic design?

It isolates elements for editing. This is common in product photography and advertising.

What is the clipping mask’s purpose?

It controls a layer’s visibility to the shape of another layer. This lets you edit specific areas without affecting the whole image.

What are the advantages of a clipping mask over a layer mask?

It applies the effect to many layers at once. This helps with complex designs, saves time, and simplifies editing.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024 / Published in Case study

Imagine yourself browsing Nordstrom Rack. It’s a treasure trove of discounted designer goods. What catches your eye as you scroll? The answer is often simple: those gorgeous product photos. They’re not just pretty pictures; they’re the secret weapon that makes you stop, zoom in, and click “add to cart.”

Have you ever wondered how Nordstrom Rack makes each product look amazing online? It’s not magic, but a clever technique called “clipping paths.” The tools are like magic scissors. They cut each product from its background, leaving a clean, sharp image that pops and drops shadow. It’s a small change, but it makes a big difference.

A study from Etsy found that good product pictures can increase sales by up to 40%. That means clearer images are more professional. They lead to happier customers and a healthier bottom line. Nordstrom Rack knows this. They’ve teamed up with the experts at Clipping Path King. They did this to improve their pictures.

Let’s check a few real-life examples. They show how Clipping Path King’s touch made normal product photos into sales stars.

Case Study 1: The Handbag That Became a Star

The original design was a designer handbag. It was beautiful, but it needed help to shine on Nordstrom Rack’s website. The original photo was okay. But, a busy background stole the spotlight from the bag’s unique design and skill. Nordstrom Rack knew they needed something better.

Clipping Path King came to the rescue. We carefully removed the distracting background and put the handbag on a simple white canvas. The bag’s intricate details and luxurious textures suddenly stood out, catching customers’ eyes and leading to a 25% sales increase in two weeks. It was like giving the handbag its own runway show.

Review from Nordstrom Rack

Michael Grimaldi: I have given numerous jobs to Clipping Path King over the past few years, and they have not disappointed me yet. They completed bulk images very quickly and helped me always meet my deadlines. I requested very detailed clipping paths of complex product images, which were done accurately. I have only had them do clipping paths and drop shadows for me, but I would assume by the job quality they did on those that they are great with all their other services. They are also very affordable and great at communicating with you. Thanks

Case Study 2: Dress That Dazzled Everyone

The dress captured everyone eyes after clipping path. However, according to shop manager: it didn’t get the online attention it deserved. The original photo didn’t do it justice. It couldn’t capture the dress’s elegant shape and how it would flow and flatter the wearer.

Clipping Path King knew how to fix that. We used a special technique called “ghost mannequin.” The change made the dress appear worn by an invisible model. It was simple but significantly impactful.

The new photo was an instant hit. Shoppers could now imagine themselves twirling in the dress, feeling glamorous. The photo quickly went viral on social media. Soon, everyone was talking about it. As a result, the dress became a bestseller. Its clicks increased by 38%, and sales jumped by 22% in just one month.

Case Study 3: The Shoe Collection That Stepped Up Its Game

Nordstrom Rack had a new collection of designer shoes. They were excited to launch it, but the product photos weren’t right. Each photo had a different background and lighting. This made the collection look messy and less appealing.

Clipping Path King came to the rescue again, carefully editing each photo to match. Fixed flaws, balanced the lighting, and ensured every shoe looked its best.

The better photos looked polished and professional. We made the shoes seem even more fancy. Customers loved the new look. The collection quickly succeeds, beating sales goals by 18% in just three months. It was like giving the shoes a makeover that boosted their confidence and appeal.

Why Clipping Path King is Nordstrom Rack’s Secret Weapon

Nordstrom Rack and Clipping Path King make a great team. Here’s why:

Nordstrom Rack and Clipping Path King are a match made in e-commerce. They are partners. It’s not just about business. It’s about two companies working together to make something special. Here’s what makes their partnership so successful:

  • Image quantity:
    Nordstrom Rack is full of designer deals. They have thousands of products on their online shelves—that’s a lot of pictures to perfect! But Clipping Path King isn’t intimidated. They have a team of experts and a well-oiled process that can handle even the largest catalogs. Nordstrom Rack has many products, but Clipping Path King can make each image look stunning.
  • Turnaround Time: Clipping Path King is all about getting things done quickly. We always meet Clients’ deadlines. So, Nordstrom Rack can get those stunning photos online right away.
  • Communication:
    Clipping Path King believes that good communication is key to a good partnership. If there’s a question or a concern, we reply. This teamwork means both companies have the same goal. We want to create lovely product images. These images make customers happy and boost sales.
  • Quality :
    Clipping Path King meets Nordstrom Rack’s high image quality standards. We aim to beat them. We carefully check and double-check every pixel to ensure that each image is flawless. The result? Product photos that look so good that you can practically feel the quality through the screen. It’s the kind of attention to detail Nordstrom Rack’s customers appreciate and expect.
  • Pretty Pictures:
    Clipping Path King works with each product category. And understand the category’s unique needs. Know that a handbag needs to be shown off differently than a pair of shoes. By tailoring their approach, We create images that don’t just look good, it also make you want to click buy This. It gets more clicks and sales. Most importantly, it will get more happy customers for Nordstrom Rack.

The Takeaway

Good product photos are crucial for an online business. We can determine your success. Clipping Path King can help you take your images to the next level and unlock your full potential.

Visit Clipping Path King today to learn more and get a free quote. See how investing in pro image editing can transform your online store and raise your sales!

Saturday, 22 August 2015 / Published in Image Masking service

Image masking refers to a process of manipulating image pixels and background to enhance quality. Adobe Photoshop provides sophisticated features for Image masking and manipulation. For instance, the clipping path technique is purposely for extracting the image from the background pixels by creating a path around it. Photo masking technique used together with clipping path method can make image swapping between different background themes.

Soft and hard edges of an image such as hair strands, furry clothes, dolls and any other object can be manipulated and customized to client preferences and taste. These images rendering facility is made possible courtesy of the unique photo masking and clipping path techniques. These two techniques complement each other in image masking with clipping path technique purposely for a hard edge and photo masking for a soft edge category. The latter can also be used where the clipping path method has failed to render the required outcome. This is common where there is a need to isolate the image before masking takes place. Image edges are not limited to the two categories of hard and soft. Another form of images such as lost edge and sharp edges can also be manipulated with other tools that can be found in adobe Photoshop. Image masking with Adobe Photoshop provides pen tablet which can be used for blending between soft and hard edges. It can also be used with lost edge images to isolate the image from the background in cases where the color themes are close.

Please Free Test-2 images for a first-hand experience on our image masking service in Photoshop.

Layer Masking:

Layer masks can be used to redefine background transparency levels in shades of white, gray or black. These can be done for either a specific or grouped layers. These renderings are made possible with the help of a pen tablet. We price differently based on task complexity and time constraints.

Alpha channel Masking:

All objects separated from the background are saved, edited to conform to the required them using alpha channel masking. The photo file is then resized before uploading or downloading takes place. This method is suitable for single color background images.

Hair & Fur Masking:

Isolate hair & fur images from background pixel with the help of pen tablet for soft edge or any other tool. Photo masking works better than clipping path technique in achieving this. You can go ahead and edit the image to your preferred taste in terms of color, brightness, exposure, etc.

Refine Edge Masking:

Pick an image using the Quick Selection tool in Photoshop with the help of this facility. Apply Layer Mask of your choice and use the Radius tool to redefine the image edges to soft. This automatically renders the soft edge images making them not only to appear more natural but original as well.   

Transparent object Masking:

These techniques enable you to redefine any glass or transparent object with 0% to 5% opacity, e.g., car glass, spectacles, bottle, water. Use it to retain or redefine your current theme.

Translucent object Masking:

This technique will enable you to manipulate translucent objects which are 5% to 100% opaque, e.g., frosted glass, bridal veil, paper, plastic bottle, Sunglasses, plastic bottle, etc.

Object Masking:

Unsuitable image parts are picked with the quick selection tool and removed by layer masking. Object masking is useful for removing deformities from an image.

Color Masking:

These features enable a designer to do retouching, color, exposure and even corrections to images. It can be used to remove hollow lines and printer scratches on scanned photos. It enables a correction to pixels for clear images.  

Friday, 21 August 2015 / Published in Photoshop

Clipping path

The another name of clipping path is deep etch. It means a closed vector path or a shape what is used to cut out an image in photo editing software. The inside section of the path will be included and outside of the path can be omitted from the resultant image.

See an example image where we have shown the process of clipping path. Selected part will be included and outside of  selected path will be omitted from the resultant image.

clipping path

Clipping path service is very important for any other photo editing work like image masking, Image manipulation, Neck joint, Color correction, Background remove service.

Now we will Describe Uses of clipping path

Clipping path Is vastly used in digital photo editing studios. In Every need of  Photo editing or image selection, it’s so important to use clipping path.

The uses of Clipping path in Photo editing studios:

1. Remove Background from image:  For removing image background clipping Path is occupied because For omitted the background the subject is to be selected  and the outer part would be deleted and the main subject will be set in the selected background. an example is shown.



2. Color Correction: For changing color of a part or the full section of the image section need to be select for making selection clipping path is imposed.


3. Photo Retouching: For retouching Clipping path service is mostly used selection need to be made.


6.Shadow creation: Multiple layer Need to be made for this service. For making multiple layer on the selection clipping path is imposed.